Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Field of Darkness Auditions!

I am starting a new story  it will be related to a skullduggery pleasant fan fic. Im going to incoporate it in with  Just post your characters bio in the comments fto get in though only a few spots so hurry!


  1. Name:Nicolette Croga

    Age:28 looks early teens

    Magic: Strong elemental, good with guns and swords but emmence with her daggers can hit things from far distances and NEVER misses, good at gymnastics

    Appearance: medium brown hair with copper red and blonde highlights, hazel eyes, soft pretty face, thin figure slight muscles

    Personalitie: nice kind freindly caring only aggresive when annoyed or attacked

    Wears: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k32/Kadaj19/FSN%2520Pictures/animegirl1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/6731981/can-death-bring-us-closer-fatestay-night-love-story-part-1&usg=__qDmrgf_tSlK3ExkJcOkSo7o1Xlk=&h=650&w=455&sz=63&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=g259zwSCOUDCYM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcool%2Bfighting%2Boutfits%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ADRA_enGB392GB392%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D355%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=141&ei=2E6jTPudFImLswaa0vyKBQ&oei=2E6jTPudFImLswaa0vyKBQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=31&ty=39


  2. Your in congrats it will be up in a few days

  3. NAME: Bridget Whiplash
    AGE: 568, give or take a century. looks about 16
    GENDER: Female
    HAIR COLOR: Brown
    EYE COLOR: Gray-green, turns red when angry
    HEIGHT: Tall
    WEIGHT: Very thin
    PERSONALITY: Ruthless, has an odd sense of humor, some times friendly(rare)
    WEARS: Jeans and a t-shirt
    NATIONALITY AND ACCENT: forgot were she came from, no accent, speaks 237 different languages
    HISTORY: she fought in the war but was bitten by a vampire(who she promptly killed)
    FAMILY: dead, only one left is Bone, who is a very distant cousin
    POWERS: Vampire, uses serums(made by Bone) to control the "bad behavior"
    FAVORITE WEAPONS:her 12 foot long, black leather whip. also uses guns and knives
    OTHER SKILLS: Lock-picking, hot-wiring, bomb-making, etc...
    FRIENDS: Kitty Barlow, Skylara Wolfbane, Nicolette Croga, Israel Elysium, Sarthacus Bolt, a few vamps
    ENEMY'S: you want me to list all 169?
    HATES: Peppy people, pastel colors, things she can not kill, Vampire discrimination
    LIKES: Blood, black nail polish, Caelan
    ADDRESS: ??? its in Ireland, i know that much
    JOB: Runs the Vampire Inn part time, sometimes hunts down criminals for the sanctuary
    MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Walks or uses her(stolen) Chevy Cobra
    NEVER SEEN WITHOUT: her little black case, it has all her serums in it along with some needles
    DESCRIPTION: a mini story will work; Bridget was lounging on the couch, ear-buds firmly in place and eyes closed. she wasn't moving, breathing, or anything, it was like she was in a coma. Skylara stood on the other side of the large room, eying Bridget's still form, "fight" she whispered and in a half second Bridget was off the couch and on her feet, whip out. "fight? where?" she asked looking around the room, then she saw Skylara, rolling around on the floor; laughing. scowling, she sat back down on the couch and replaced her ear-buds, resuming her comatose position, but then.... "fight"
    IN FIVE WORDS: Ruthless, lethal, nocturnal, odd, strong
    QUOTE: "if you want to die a horrible death, please, come closer"'
    BAD HABITS: killing people (she has to drain people of there blood to survive)

    please out Bridget in!

  4. Sorry too keep you waiting im w=riting field of darkness right now
